RE: A table navigation technique

Here are a few reasons I've come up with for making table serialization
a priority 1 item.

  1.  a blind user doen't have to worry about whether the access technology
      being used has the necessary table navigation functions for
      the browser being used

  2.  a blind person can switch more easily among browsers and among
      access technologies

  3.  the blind person isn't forced to learn new table navigation each
      time he changes access technology

  4.  the blind person isn't forced into using some access technology
      which may not be as desirable as some other preferred technology
      just because the preferred access technology does not support
      table navigation for the desired browser

  5.  the blind person has a back-up arrangement in case the access
      technology runs into a bug when using Active Accessibility for
      table navigation

Can anyone else come up with other reasons?


Received on Monday, 16 November 1998 20:33:16 UTC