Minutes from Minneapolis (25-26 Oct 1998 UA WG face-to-face)


The minutes (and list of action items)
from the two days of working group meetings are available
at [1] and may be found from the UA Working Group home page [2].

I have added the email addresses of several people who attended
the meeting to the WG mailing list: Earle Harrison, Wilson Craig,
and Mike Pederson (all from Henter-Joyce), Dave Clark (Cast), 
and Hans Riesebos (Alva). Welcome to the list!

Many thanks to everyone who attended the meeting. Your input
was extremely valuable. I urge you all to continue participating
at the teleconferences (see [3] for teleconf schedule and how-to

In addition to the minutes I took with Wendy, I have put Harvey
Bingham's (raw) notes online at [4].

Please let me know if you find errors or misleading statements
in the minutes and we will correct them.

Also, if anyone would like me to post a text version, 
please let me know.

The editors should have a new version of the guidelines and
techniques documents for you by the end of the week. I hope
they capture the spirit of your comments and bring us closer
to a document that will help developers and users alike.


 - Ian

[1] Minutes: http://www.w3.org/WAI/UA/wai-ua-f2f-19981025.html#minutes
[2] UA WG Home Page: http://www.w3.org/WAI/UA
[3] UA WG Teleconfs: http://www.w3.org/WAI/UA/#teleconference
[4] Harvey's notes:

Ian Jacobs (jacobs@w3.org) 
Tel/Fax: (212) 684-1814 

Received on Tuesday, 27 October 1998 22:39:49 UTC