Re: Rating UA guidelines

Charles McCathieNevile wrote:
> Jon, I am sending this to you because my normal email has temprorarily
> died, and I am not sure how open the list is.
> Two comments about the proposed setup:
> 1. The GL rating P3 wa changed to 'this guideline may be implemented
> to improve access...' giving a MUST/SHOULD/MAY classification which
> could be related directly to the three priority grades. Should UA be
> looking at something similar?

Hi Charles,

I just changed this on Friday to must/should/may. The next
WG draft will have wording to that effect.
> 2. The 'compatibility with assistive technology' sounds pretty woolly
> to me. Are we talking about stuff that we ought to be expecting from
> the DOM being passed from the browser itself to the assistive
> technology, or  are we asking everyone to implement Microsoft's Active
> Accessibility, or some other standard already in existence? It seems
> to me that we should be specifying a standard interface for functions
> we are not requiring of the browser itself.

I think that's a good idea. Is there a way to use what's in DOM Level 1
since it just became a Recommendation?

 - Ian

Ian Jacobs ( 
Tel/Fax: (212) 684-1814

Received on Sunday, 11 October 1998 23:00:18 UTC