RE: Cathy O'Connor of paypal?

I have friends and colleagues who are fulltime professionals in all sorts of fields and do things they enjoy on the side, sometimes as part-time jobs. So what? Not sure how her Zumba instructorship is relevant to her role as a project manager in a company that needs to make its products more accessible. Isn’t this discussion about ways to get Paypal to fix its accessibility issues?

Hope you all have a good weekend,
Rachel Thompson

From: Gordon Potter []
Sent: Friday, May 05, 2017 4:01 PM
To: Karen Lewellen <>
Cc: Maraikayar Prem Nawaz <>; Nigel Peck <>; Thierry Koblentz <>;
Subject: Re: Cathy O'Connor of paypal?

She touts herself as a part-time Zumba instructor right next to being a usability / accessibility engineer for PayPal.  What up with that??  Those don't match very well.

On Tue, May 2, 2017 at 11:13 AM, Karen Lewellen <<>> wrote:
Who said anything  about voice over?
In the Ubuntu shell environment, using the only browser paypal allows me to use now, elinks,  <all others present an image verification test>  the button says harmless.  the spacebar takes me to the next page.
While  it is fine the bugs have been filed, I am deeply concerned how that happened in the first place?
what is Paypal's *direct* process for customers experiencing disabilities to inform Ms.O'Connor of issues before they become so critical?
Her Linkedin profile describes her job as insuring paypal goods and services are usable by people with all  abilities...and she does this how without talking to them?
<who has a laundry list of such issues from a w3c standpoint, and notjust of  her own.>

On Tue, 2 May 2017, Maraikayar Prem Nawaz wrote:
Apologies. Yes, Bugs have been filed with respective teams.
Voiceover speaks it as Button. So for now, could you try activating PayNow
button with spacebar instead of enter key?
Sample invoice:

On Tue, May 2, 2017 at 9:57 AM, Nigel Peck <<>> wrote:

The Tweet I was referring to is one earlier in the thread you suggested
Karen and I get involved in (which I just did). Specifically this one where
Bill said:

"Yep. There are people that have been engaged on this a few days back.


On 01/05/2017 20:37, Thierry Koblentz wrote:
I think Nigel is talking about this tweet from her:

I think best would be to reply to her and CC (mention) Bill Scott as I

Thierry Koblentz
Sent with Airmail

On May 1, 2017 at 18:31:59, Karen Lewellen (<>
<<>>) wrote:

I am not a member of twitter...although I read your answers there.
I like you hope that is a bot, because not being able to read a
does not hold water.
I did not notice Ms O'Connor taking part in that thread either.
I feel sure this is not the conversation Nigel spoke of where someone
indicated action?

On Mon, 1 May 2017, Thierry Koblentz wrote:
Karen, Nigel,
Did you hear anything from PayPal regarding this Karen?

I think you should get involved in this thread:

--  > Thierry Koblentz
Sent with Airmail

On May 1, 2017 at 11:06:27, Nigel Peck (<>
<<>>) wrote:

Did you hear anything from PayPal regarding this Karen? One of the
responses on Twitter appears to suggest that they're doing something
about it, would be good to know if that's the case.


On 26/04/2017 21:19, Karen Lewellen wrote:
Oh most certainly, I have spoken to several customer support
representatives and supervisors.
The amazing thing is how many tell me that
1, they have no one to report accessibility related issues, have never
heard of ms O'Connor, and that Paypal has no dedicated staff who are
responsible for access.
2, customer service no longer has direct contact with technical
either, there is an e-mail process but this has no assurance that the
issue is actually addressed.
These changes sliding further and further away from inclusion have
been happening in stages for a couple of years now at least.
I feel sure there is an entire file full of customer service contacts
on my Canadian account, more than one on the American side, with a
laundry list of wacg 2.0 related problems
Did your kindly listening in sources say otherwise then what I am
presenting here?

On Thu, 27 Apr 2017,<> <<>>

Did you reach out to customer support? Being a former PayPal
my experience is that Customer Support always work with right team
ensures your concern is addressed in best possible way.

BCC: some colleagues from PayPal.

Srinivasu Chakravarthula
Sent on my phone. Excuse typos, if any.
On 27-Apr-2017, at 03:46, Karen Lewellen <<>

I am not on twitter, I am a paypal customer. Wonder why she has no
contact via the place where she makes sure paypal goods and
services are usable by people of all abilities?
Smiles. Perhaps I can find someone active to ask some pointed
questions of her via social media.

On Wed, 26 Apr 2017, Nigel Peck wrote:

She has a Twitter account at:

And is presenting at FluentConf in June (according to her Tweets)
she seems very much real. Perhaps try contacting her through

On 25/04/2017 12:52, Karen Lewellen wrote:
Hi everyone,
A while back when I first started sharing new access issues with
someone suggested I discover the person responsible for
I have a name, a linked-in profile, even a job description.
However none
of the at least 25 Paypal supervisors with whom i have had
over the past several months, know her, or can reach her if a
customer is
meeting with an accessibility issue.
My latest? The previously functional from the keyboard button on
forms labeled pay now, is coded as harmless. Doing nothing when
using an
enter key in elinks. a browser that is more java script friendly
others like links or certainly lynx, all of which are distributed
in Linux
packages like Ubuntu.
I will place her information below.

Cathy O'Connor
Program Manager, Accessibility at PayPal

Program Manager, Accessibility
November 2014 ~V Present )|PayPal

Keeping PayPal products and services accessible to people of all
Make sure product managers, designers and developers understand
why accessibility is important by using simulations and assistive
technology to gain first-hand experience of how people use
computers differently in our accessibility showcase.
Provide consulting, training and tools to make it as easy as
possible for teams to design, develop and deliver products that
can be used by as many people as possible.

Given her job description, why is there no way to report the
issues she
is paid to address? Granted the simulations sentence concerns me,
a bit like pretending to experience a disability. I find it
difficult to
understand how someone could secure this job knowing noting of...<> <>
Anyone know if she is a real person?

Received on Friday, 5 May 2017 21:18:35 UTC