Re: examples of sites with good accessibility

On 06/10/19 12:13 (GMT-0400) Bailey, Bruce apparently typed:

>>> For higher ed, I'd like to throw the front door of 
>>> into the ring as a good model.

>>  with fixed width and flyout menus no less.

> I do not understand your complaint.  The whole thing scales nicely.

You are an easy grader. I call "nicely" B or better.

Firefox has been set to a 14pt minimum font size (equal to its default). IE
to get 14pt (along with a reasonably accurate DPI on a typical display) must
be set to "larger". Here you see that "largest" is set and yet most page
text is considerably smaller than in FF. The difference in layout between
the two pretty much speaks for itself. There's no overlapping text, but
there's little else positive to be said about it considering how cramped it
is in the highly standards-compliant browser. This page I give a D+ for
scaling and user respect.

> Yes, two-thirds an em is little small, but it quite generally legible for non-body text.  Since it is em, user-control re-sizing is readily provided.

.68em is a lot small, 46.24% of the _size_ of 1em to be precise. With a
correctly set default, that's not legible for reading more than couple of
words here and there, and very unfriendly. OTOH, it could be 1em, which is
as close to perfect as anyone can get:
"The Lord is my strength and my shield; my heart trusts in him,
and I am helped."				Psalm 28:7 NIV

 Team OS/2 ** Reg. Linux User #211409

Felix Miata  ***

Received on Thursday, 19 October 2006 18:02:17 UTC