RE: [w3c-wai-ig] <none>

> I looked over your style sheet and it looks reasonably well done
> syntactically, although there may be some problems if you combine
> an H3 with a link.
> The biggest problem I see is that you are specifying the paragraph
> font size as 80%.  While it is good to use a percentage (and not
> "absolute" pixels or points), there are some problems with this.
> Also, you are lacking definitions for the body of the text, which
> means that there's no background and foreground color set.
> This is an important first step for a style sheet that shouldn't be
> forgotten about.

I generally agree with everything Kynn says, although I consider it safe to
have neither background nor foreground colour set, as it's reasonable to
assume that a user's default settings provide sufficient contrast for that
user. But if you do set one you must set the other.

However if possible I would move as much as possible into a style for the
body element, in this case perhaps it would be appropriate to use:

	font-family : Verdana, Geneva, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
	font-size : 80%; /*what Kynn says about this still holds*/
	color : Navy;

and then remove the same where they appear for p, a:link, a:visited, and

The reason being that a user stylesheet is more likely to come into play the
"higher" up you go, therefore if there is a user that *really* needs a
font-size of at least 20pt to be able to read, and they have set a
stylesheet to enable this, it is more likely to take effect.

I'd also recommend you get into the habit of using lower case for element
and attribute names both in HTML and in the CSS you apply to that HTML. Case
makes no difference in HTML4.0 and earlier, but you must use lower case with
XHTML1.0 and later. Even if you don't use XHTML getting into the habit of
using lower case won't hurt, and you'll be glad you did should you move to

Received on Thursday, 1 May 2003 06:06:10 UTC