Good UI Design for Readers

Can anyone point me to good resources for sites or FAQs that deal with good
user interface design for audio/readers?

I understand all of the techniques and tricks people use (CSS,
skip-navigation links, alt, longdesc, etc.) but I'm looking for resources
which describe HOW to design good UI for audio only browsers.

Somee examples of questions I'm looking to answer:

1) Our site uses breadcrumbs to indicate location (Something like: Home Page
> Second Level > Third Level > Title of Current page -- all of which are
links, except the last item). It seems that this isn't very clear or obvious
when read aloud and either framing text is needed or it should be dropped in
favor of the main menu for the site. Or we're wrong and these would be fine.

2) Is it better to have the navigation at the top of the page with a
skip-navigation link jumping over it to the content or to put it at the
bottom of the page with a skip-over-content-to-navigation link at the top
instead (we feel that this is really a function of how important the
navigation or the content is. On some sites, say sites doing a linear page
to page lesson in which you want the content and then the NEXT link rather
than having to do a skip-over-nav every page) and on some sites, mainly
portal sites, the navigation would be the most important thing and having it
first would be good.

And so forth.

I've done searches of this list, google searches in general, and more and
have found no good resources for these types of things. Any pointers are
very welcome.



Andy J. Williams Affleck                ICQ: 8207775                 AIM: andyjw23     XNS: =Andy Affleck

"I have a plan so cunning you could put a tail on it and call it a weasel"
                                            -- E. Blackadder

Received on Wednesday, 30 January 2002 08:39:59 UTC