RE: Baselines: how specific?

Then, given the assumption excerpted following, how could we uniformly and 
  measure whether a technology is
not "well" supported, or that implementations are not "complete" in 
"critical" ways?

(NOTE: use of "well" or "critical" in this assumption seem somewhat 
subjective to me -
  do we have an unambiguous
  definition of what "critical" or "well" mean in this context)?  Do we 
have an objective
definition of even the "completeness" of an implementation in this context?

Thanks and best wishes
Tim Boland NIST


>I would assume that if technologies are not well supported (e.g.
>implementations are not complete) in critical ways - that the technology
>should not be used in a baseline.   We should also confirm this.

Received on Tuesday, 14 March 2006 16:21:06 UTC