Illustrating Guidelines


    Although I am not an "illustrator", I have been working on the
challenge of illustrating the guidelines, starting with one of the versions
of Guideline 3 ... 

	I have improved? the illustrations to the best of my creativity, and have
tried to change the alt tags to meet the needs of users, to the extent I
have understood the needs in recent discussions. I have added some text to
the guidelines to point out or explain some of the illustrations. These
additions are in italics (as are the "notes" of the original guidelines) ... 

	I have not attempted to create a page that reads like a radio script,
since this is a web page, not radio. 

	The illustrations created to do guidelines 3 will certainly be useful in
illustration more of the guidelines. If there is some agreement that I am
doing important work, and if the current work can be uploaded to the W3
site, I will tackle the rest. I do hope that my work will be helpful to a
"real" illustrator who is enlisted or hired to complete the illustrations
that are finally adapted for the guidelines ...

	Please let me have comments on all aspects of the illustrations and their
text equivalents.


Anne Pemberton

Received on Tuesday, 8 May 2001 20:53:10 UTC