Re: Guide to Guidelines

LS:: "I think one thing is missing and that is an short introduction"

WL: I suffer from the delusion that it is better to assume that the factor 
of exploring on one's own in Carlsbad Caverns is far superior to having a 
tour guide saying "and over on the right we have icicle-looking formations 
known as 'stalactites'. You will notice..." In many cases this overbearing 
stating of the obvious is itself as offputting as it is illuminating. 
Whoever got there did after all get there. "You are here" is mandatory on a 
map in a mall but a telephone with the word "telephone" on it is to laugh 
at. IMO the place for the introduction to this "facility" is at most in the 
header - otherwise it should be in whatever sent one here.


Received on Monday, 11 September 2000 09:16:36 UTC