23 October 2000 minutes
Automatic Language Identification
Checkpoint mapping between WCAG 1.0 and WCAG 2.0 (fwd)
Evaluation Results In XML
Evaluation Results In XML - SSB Technologies Thoughts
Face to face meetings in December
Face-to-face early December 2000
Graphics where words wont do:
Halloween page
How do we point into a web page [was minutes from 30 October 2000]
I was paid $23,625 by a complete stranger! In less than a week...
Image recognition tools?
Invitation to SSB
Meeting today
Meeting TUESDAY not Monday
minutes from 30 October 2000
minutes of joint meeting
Monday Meeting and Agenda
Monday Teleconference
OPTGROUP: 12.3.1
Proposal for incorporating AERT into ATAG-TECHS
Regrets for 10/9 telecon
Regrets for Telecon Monday oct 9
Request for requirements input for XHTML 2.0
side by side text
Technique 3.4.1 Check document for relative units of measure
Telecon Monday oct 9
was there a meeting on monday?
Wave link on Opera
始めまして オフィス用品をお安く
- 小林洋文堂 (Monday, 23 October)
Last message date: Tuesday, 31 October 2000 10:29:00 UTC