Re: OPTGROUP: 12.3.1

This message was pointed out to me by Ian Jacobs and Chris Lilley.

I am not on this mailing list, so please reply-all.

> From: "Michael Cooper" <>
> To: <>
> Date: Fri, 29 Sep 2000 17:44:23 -0400
> Message-ID: <>
> Subject: OPTGROUP: 12.3.1
> Note from the field: we implemented Technique 12.3.1 in Bobby, and used that
> on our beta new web site. We implemented OPTGROUPs in SELECT elements per
> the requirement. Guess what happened? In Internet Explorer 5 (and maybe
> earlier, haven't tested) for Mac, drop-down lists had no options show up.

AFAIK IE5/Mac is the only shipping browser that _does_ support OPTGROUP per
the spec.  Here is a page (using examples from the HTML4 spec) which
demonstrates this.

It is true that previous versions (4.5, 4.0, 3.0 etc.) of IE/Mac did not
support OPTGROUP.

If you have a valid HTML page that uses OPTGROUP which has problems in
IE5/Mac, please forward me the URL so that I may see if I can do something
about it.

> It's highly distressing that a browser (and a new one at that) has
> destructive incompatibility with the HTML standard.

I'm sorry to hear that that was your experience, as we believe we have fully
implemented HTML4 - first to do so.  If you could forward any other
problematic URLs of valid HTML4, I would appreciate it.



Tantek Çelik                                
W3C CSS&FP wg rep, HTML wg alternate       
Tasman Dev Lead / Internet Explorer for Macintosh     Microsoft Corporation

Received on Tuesday, 24 October 2000 11:28:19 UTC