WAI EO WG Agenda, January 29, 1999

WAI EO WG Agenda, January 29, 1999
	Time: 8:30 a.m. - 9:30 a.m. US EST.
	Phone bridge: US: +1 (617) 252-1038

NOTE that there will not be a call next Friday, February 5th; but that we
will meet on February 12 and 19.

Also please note that today's call will be one hour only.


1. Outreach & Updates
2. QuickTips Revision:
Main focus at this meeting will be to review & finalize quicktip content.
Please refer to the following.
	Daniel's revision:
	Daniel's message about his revision:
	Raw comments received:
In addition we need to finalize plans for varied formats for the quicktips.


Judy Brewer    jbrewer@w3.org    +1.617.258.9741    http://www.w3.org/WAI
Director, Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI) International Program Office
World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)
MIT/LCS Room NE43-355, 545 Technology Square, Cambridge, MA,  02139,  USA

Received on Friday, 29 January 1999 00:22:50 UTC