Re: WAI EO Agenda & Meeting Reminder

> 3. QuickTips Revision, Upcoming
> 	- <>
> 	- first pass at revision?

For starters, I integrated most comments sent to this archive into a
new version (HTML at Text version
is attached, followed by explanation on how I've dealt with the
comments received.

W3C Logo                               Web Accessibility Initiative Logo

Quick HTML tips to make your site accessible to everyone, including
people with disabilities, handheld devices and slow connections.

See for the complete Guidelines & Techniques

1.Images & Animations 
  Use the alt attribute to concisely describe the function of all visuals. 

2.Page Organization
  Use headings, lists, table summaries, language indicator, and
  consistent structure to facilitate non-visual browsing. Use CSS for
  layout and style.  

3.Image Maps
  Use client-side MAP and text alternatives for hotspots to enable
  mouse-less and sight-less navigation.  

4.Hypertext Links
  Write short link text that describes the target clearly and makes
  sense even when read out of context.   

5.Graphs & Charts
  Summarize content or use the longdesc attribute. 

6.Audio & Video
  Provide captions or text transcripts of audio content, and text or
  audio descriptions of video content.   

7.Scripts, Applets, & Plug-ins
  Provide alternative representations so that no information is lost
  when active content is inaccessible, unsupported, or turned off.  

  Label each frame with title or name so that user agents may use this
  information to provide access to individual frame pages. 

  Avoid using tables to format text columns or navigation bars. 
  Organize tabular data so that it makes sense when read cell by cell.   

10.Check your work
  Validate the HTML & CSS of your site. Test pages with different
  browsers, and images, sound, and animation off. Use evaluation tools
  to verify accessibility. 

Now the on comments received at

From: (William Loughborough)
 Use the alt attribute to concisely describe the function of all visuals. 

 Although split infinitives are often (including this case) not that big
 a deal, it might behoove to think through this sentence again.  I'm not

The new text is consistent throughout tips in its use of infinitive,
I think it's good to be direct like that.

From: James Allan <>
 styling comment: in other tips the attributes or tag names are emphasized
 with bold. Should "alt" in 1 be in bold?

yes, done in the HTML version 

From: Chuck Letourneau <>
 I hope this typo is only on the web page: INCLUCE 


From: "Robert Neff" <>
  Item 1.  Tables.  I am not sure if we are addressing navigation
  buttons or icons that are on the side or on the top of a page.  If we
  are, recommend we change "Avoid using tables to format text columns"
  to read "Avoid using tables to format text columns or use for
  navigation buttons or icons". 

Good idea. Added "or navigation bars".

  Item 2.   Audio & Video.  Recommend adding "text".  Provide captions or 
  text transcripts of audio content, and text or audio descriptions of 
  video content.  I think will reduce confusion as some people may think 
  that a caption is the only way to do this.


  Item 3.  There are no comments on testing.  Recommend we add something 

We have "10.Check your work"

  To ensure the web page is functional and is accessible by graphical, 
  text, and voice based web browsers and screen readers, recommend the 
  page be tested using as many browsers and screeen readers as possible. 

I added "Test pages with different browsers, and images, sound,
and animation off" but we might run out of space.

  Item 4.  I did not see the Title Tag addressed for linked images.

Not sure I understand this one ?
Frame talks about title.

  Item 5.  Visual Disorders.  Be cognisant of people with visual disorders 
  such as color blindess, low vision, etc <need more words here>.  Use 
  colors that distinctly contrast such as dark on light or light on dark.  
  An example would be black letters on white background, blue letters on 
  white background, or white letters on black background. Do not use red 
  letters on black background or red letters on gray background.

I actually disagree with this one being a P1 for the card. It's
currently being demote to P2 in the full guidelines, on the basis that 
most if not all UA supports turning off the author choice of colors
for font and background.

  Item 6.  Animated GIFS may not be properly viewed and they also may
  not print well. <This was an afterthought and the concept needs help>

This is not really accessibility.

From: Harvey Bingham <>
 1. Put URL for more info up front between logos -- that is a major message.

Yes, that's doable, and have 4 tips on recto and 6 on verso.
(see HTML for layout)

 3. (Four folks) had to put on reading glasses. Type is small. Possibly make
   it a bi-fold card the same size. 

I wouldn't to lose the real business card appeal.

 4. Consider making it a laminated card.

what's laminated ?

 5. Point 2 was obscure to one reader:

see new text 

Received on Friday, 22 January 1999 06:37:41 UTC