Goals of accessible templates

Please comment on my new prioritized goals for templates:

1. Must pass WCAG AAA
2. Must look good, sound good, Braille good, and print good:
     "Look good" means it looks good on Nav4, IE4, IE5, and Opera
     "Sound good" on IBM Home Page Reader and PW WebSpeak
     "Braille good" on latest screen readers w/Braille display
     "print good" means ? [dare I say pdf]
3. Should pass BOBBY.
4. Should be valid code

Jutta wrote:
>... My sense of the priorities is:
>should pass WCAG AAA which can be further verified by the tests you

pjenkins@us.ibm.com wrote:
>Some things I wanted to discuss is the scope of the template:
>In priority order:
>1. Must look good, sound good, Braille good, and print good:
>     "Look good" means it looks good on Nav4, IE4, IE5, and Opera
>     "Sound good" on IBM Home Page Reader and PW WebSpeak
>     "Braille good" on JFW 3.5? on Windows w/Braille display
>     "print good" means ?
>2. Should pass BOBBY.
>3. Should be valid code.

Received on Wednesday, 1 March 2000 17:13:31 UTC