Re: Published Authorized Translation of WCAG 2.1 in Italian

Dear Roberto,

Also I want to express my gratitude for your hard work to develop this 
translation, and in such a short period. Many thanks for your support.


On 13/09/2018 16:44, Xueyuan wrote:
> Dear Roberto,
> all,
> With many thanks to you for your hard work, I am pleased to announce 
> that we published today the Authorized Translation into Italian of Web 
> Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.1.
> Linee guida per l'accessibilità dei contenuti Web (WCAG) 2.1
> W3C Recommendation 05 giugno 2018
> Lead Translation Organization: International Web Association (IWA).
> cf. <>
> Best regards,
> Xueyuan
> On 06/09/2018 00:42, Roberto Scano wrote:
>> Hi again, now we have all 22 of 22 participants supporting translation.
>> <>/
>> [...]
>>     On 03/09/2018 23:05, Roberto Scano - IWA Italy wrote:
>>         Dear Xueyuan,
>>         after the 30 day period we have not received any message about
>>         integration/review from the Italian W3C public list for
>>         translation.
>>         As per point 5 of translation process, actually the major
>>         number of partecipants in review process approved the CAT:
>>         So we are happy to said: please proceed to publish as the
>>         first official translation of WCAG 2.1!

Shadi Abou-Zahra -
Accessibility Strategy and Technology Specialist
Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI)
World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)

Received on Sunday, 16 September 2018 14:28:40 UTC