Re: a question about translating

On Sun, 30 Jan 2005 11:41:02 +0100, and res <> wrote:

> here i am (again :-S)
> i've done the "OWL Overview" translation, but i used MSWord and i'm sure  
> that's not the standard format.

Correct. The standard format is HTML.

> anyone uses/knows a specific tool for translating? i mean, is there a  
> tool for making the translation comments, editing the hyperlinks and so  
> on?

Any HTML editor, or plain text editor you can use for changing the  
content, but keeping the markup the same, as Patrick said. (There are a  
couple of things that you need to think about still - title and alt  
attributes should normally be translated, and whether and how to translate  
examples isn't always clear).

> sorry for my almost-invented-Spanish2English, i assure you that my  
> English2Spanish is much better (anyone could reply that it couldn't be  
> much worst)

Si, podrie ser mucho peor (he visto, aun). El grupo de traductores de  
fundacion sidar puede ayudarle en espanol por lo del formato, etc. Hasta  
que si tienes ya el texto, podemos hacer por copiar/pegar para hacer el  
codigo HTML.

Escribeme, si quiere... (Y disculpa mi en2es por favor :-)



Charles McCathieNevile                 Fundacion Sidar            

Received on Sunday, 30 January 2005 15:17:31 UTC