Re: renewal of the W3C Translation pages (lang query)

On Fri, 2003-05-09 at 09:40, Chris Lilley wrote:
> On Friday, May 9, 2003, 3:52:37 PM, jaccoud wrote:
> jpcb> You have two options: you can use only one Pottuguese entry (pt) and put
> jpcb> all documents there, or create differente entries for each localization. Up
> jpcb> to this date, just pt-PT and pt-BR are there, but there are other
> jpcb> Portuguese parliant countries.
> Since the language tags are hierarchical, a query on "pt" should
> return those tagged as 'pt' or 'pt-BR' or 'pt-PT' or indeed
> 'pt-anything-anything-anything' whereas a query on 'pt-BR' (or pt-br
> or any other case mixture) should return only Brazilian Portugese
> documents.

Hmm... that's an interesting idea... what sort of query did
you have in mind?

xml:lang support in RDF query is a hairball... I don't
think cwm[1] does it at all (let alone any sort of support
for hierarchy); I went around for weeks claiming[2]
that nobody does it, and then finally I got somebody to
say "we do". Sesame or something, I think.

I have no idea whether XML Query works as you expect.
I'd appreciate if you (or Martin or Liam or Michael
or Massimo or anybody else, for that matter) would check.

[1] see

[2] wow... it's been months, actually... since Feb...

Dan Connolly, W3C
office: tel:+1-617-395-0241 (new VoIP phone Mar 2003)
mobile: tel:+1-816-616-6576

Received on Friday, 9 May 2003 12:10:34 UTC