Re: Please avoid frames,... (was: Re: Translation of XHTML 1.0 into Korean finishied

Hello Taeho,

I'm sorry to be so late with my answer. I was ill with a serious flu.
I started to write an answer to you last week, but I started some
checks and got into various problems. Please see below:

At 08:13 00/03/09 -0500, Taeho Lee wrote:
 > I sent message that I have finished modification according to your points
 > mentioned on the previous translation of my xhtml into Korean.

Many thanks for your work.

 > > I made modification according to the points you mentioned.
 > > First, visitors can enter the translation without frame.

There seems to be some Javascript that handles this, and on Netscape
I indeed saw no frames for some time, but on MS IE, when starting
at the page that switches between versions, all I get is
a blank page.

 > > Some additional W3C translation document links in a table has been added
 > to
 > > the translation since there is no separate reference site available in
 > > Korea.

You don't need a separate reference site. All you would need is a
separate reference page. We could even add a link to that from, maybe.

 > > The link includes translation of html 4.01, html 4.0, css1, css2 and
 > > original English text of the specification beside the table of contents of
 > > the document.

The translation in particular of HTML 4.01 must have been a lot
of work. (
But can you please remove the 'new' icon from it?
(or move it up to the section about the translation)

 > > New color, yellow or orange you mentioned, has been added to distinguish
 > > translation note from the original contents, and clearly marked to
 > separate
 > > from the other portion of the W3c document.

I'm not sure it's necessary to mark each of these in the document.
It looks as if links to the original are more frequent. So one
idea would be to only mark links to translations. Also, I would be
very surprised if there suddenly was a Korean translation of
the MIT, INRIA, or Keio page. These pages, though linked from
our technical reports, are not governed by our translation policy.
I'm sure that a Korean reader would be almost as surprised to
find a Korea translation of these as myself, and therefore on
these items, expressly indicating that this is a link to an original
doesn't seem to help much.

But there is always some cases where it's difficult to decide
what exactly 'exact' translation means. Comments from others
on how they handle links to other documents in their translations
(i.e. link to original, link to translation, or both) are

 > > One style for h2 has been added to make it suitable for Korean, since the
 > > Korean size is far bigger than in English with most major browsers.

There is a W3C stylesheet referenced in the original, which should
work for Korean, too. If it doesn't, please tell us what needs to
be fixed.

 > > Beside the XHTML translation, visitors to the W3C translations request to
 > > make smaller file sizes especially for CSS1 to shorten download time with
 > > still most dominant telephone modems.
 > > Would you mind if I break the file size down into several files for their
 > > easier reference ?

If you clearly say that for each part, I don't think it should
be a big problem. However, I'm still wondering why you use all
these frames and Javascript,... which doesn't really shortend
download times, or does it?

Regards,    Martin.

#-#-#  Martin J. Du"rst, I18N Activity Lead, World Wide Web Consortium

Received on Tuesday, 21 March 2000 03:50:35 UTC