Re: Section 8.4.4 in CSS2 spec.

I have a question about the second sentence of the last paragraph in
For right-to-left flow, the horizontal distance between the left side of
a b
ox and the right side of the preceding box (or left side of the parent
box i
s no preceding box exists) is similarly determined by the source
element's '
margin' properties.
I wonder about the word " preceding".
Martin J. Duerst wrote:
> Hello Mr. Okahashi,
> Are you trying to translate the CSS2 spec into Japanese? I would advise
> you to wait a bit with this, as the CSS2 spec is at the moment just a
> working draft. Of course, you can try to start work, for example by
> trying to find good Japanese equivalents for the English words appearing
> in the glossary. But in particular bidirectional text layout, as you
> refer to below, is not yet stable enough in my oppinion to be translated.
> [I am working, together with others, to make this more stable.]

I agree with Martin. I also no longer see the text in question
in the spec, so we may have cleared up the problem.


Ian Jacobs / 401 Second Ave. #19G / New York, NY 10010 USA
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Received on Thursday, 12 March 1998 19:34:42 UTC