Re: attempting to remove confusion RE: designating datatypes

>Another possible test case -
>as far as I can tell
>xsd:NCName and xsd:ID have the same L, V and L2V, but have different names.
>In OWL Full (which admittedly is not our problem), under the LC document we
>would have had:
>xsd:NCName owl:sameIndividualAs xsd:ID .
>being a consistent document.
>With the current editor's draft the same document is inconsistent.

No it isn't.  The requirements there allow a datatype to have two 
names. What is required is only that the 'official' name really does 
name the datatype,

I(name(d)) = d

that doesn't stop I(<someothernamefor:d>) = d

But maybe this needs to be stated more carefully to make this clear.

>I wonder whether Pat's treatment could be changed slightly so that the set D
>rather than being a set of datatypes, is a set of pairs of (urirefs and
>Then D must be a subset of I (the interpretation function in the MT), which
>gets the naming constraint Pat is trying to introduce.
>I suspect Pat could make that work ... is it worth his effort?

I could do that but I don't think it would be a good idea, that 
really would break that OWL identity once and for all, and it would 
trigger Patrick's objections.

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Received on Friday, 28 February 2003 09:48:57 UTC