handling bare literals and PS a Q. about lang tags

Patrick's document up to section 6 describes how to handle datatyped 
literals (and does it fine), but I think that its rather strict 
rejection of 'bare' (ie un-datatyped) literals is rather extreme. I 
have a suggestion for how to handle bare literals which is entirely 
compatible (in fact, I think more compatible) with the treatment of 
datatyped literals, and has a few other advantages as well.

In brief, the idea is to treat a bare literal as being a datatyped 
literal with a bnode as its datatype. That is, it means 'some 
datatyping of this literal but we don't know which one right now'. 
This allows one to use bare literals coherently in any context where 
the datatype can be specified in some other way: in particular, it 
allows classical long-range datatyping for bare literals. It also can 
be used to make various different 'datatyping assumptions' to be made 
explicit by the use of common or distinct bnodes.

It also can be used to simplify the syntax. Right now, with the 
Guha/Stickler datatyping scheme, we have basically four kinds of node 
in an RDF graph: urirefs, bnodes, bare literals and datatyped 
literals. I suggest factoring this four into two cases plus an 
option, as follows. A basic node is either a uriref or an bnode. 
Urirefs refer to things and bnodes are existentially quantified, as 
usual.  A node in an RDF graph is either a basic node, or a basic 
node plus a literal, called a literal node. All these node types are 
tidy (where identity of a literal node depends on identity of both 
the basic node and the literal.) There is one special semantic rule 
for literal nodes: the simple node part of it always denotes a 
datatype, and the literal node denotes the value of the literal 
string under the datatype mapping.

That is pretty much all there is to it. When the datatype is referred 
to by a uriref, this is the Guha/Stickler idea.  When its a bnode, we 
get what was once referred to as 'semantically untidy' literals (but 
they aren't untidy any more :-). If we combine the semantic 
conditions for bnodes and for datatype literals, then (_:x, "10") is 
basically a variable ranging over possible things that "10" could be 
mapped to by a datatype. This means that it is OK to impose some 
particular datatype by some other means, eg by a range:

ex:age rdfs:range xsd:integer .
Jenny ex:age (_:x, "10") .

says Jenny is ten: in fact, we can fix the MT so that this entails

Jenny ex:age (xsd:integer, "10") .

Having the bnode made explicit allows some other useful ways of 
attaching datatypes, however. Someone might for example have some 
rules which can assign a datatype based on the form of the literal 
(if its a numeral, assume its an integer, otherwise a string....) and 
these could be expressed as conditions on the bnode itself.

These inner bnodes inside literal nodes act just like regular bnodes, 
by the way: the same entailments apply to them and for the same 
reasons, eg

Jenny ex:age (xsd:integer, "10") .
Jenny ex:age (_:y, "10") .

and they can occur in other triples elsewhere in the graph, so that 
we are able to say things like

Jenny ex:age (_:y, "10") .
_:y rdf:type rdf:Datatype .

Dan wanted to be able to check literal identity by string-matching. 
Well, he can, provided he is careful about his bnodes. On this 
scheme, a bare literal is simply illegal, so any bare literal has to 
be parsed into a literal node, presumably by inserting a bnode 
(assuming, that is, that we don't have datatyping information 
available). Now, there are several strategies for how to do this. The 
'safest' strategy would be to insert a unique bnode into each bare 
literal node. This basically allows any future information about 
datatyping to be compatible, but on the other hand it rather weakens 
the RDF graph. Notice that this might require a tidy bare-literal 
graph to have some of its nodes 'split' into distinct 
bnode-datatyped-literal nodes; an alternative strategy would be to 
not allow this splitting; that effectively would preserve the graph 
structure and treat the bare literals as semantically tidy.) A 
stronger strategy would be to insert the same bnode into every 
literal in a document: that would effectively assert that they all 
have to be datatyped the same way. Finally, what might be called a 
Connolly strategy would be to use the same bnode for every literal in 
the entire world; that would insist that ALL bare literals have the 
same datatype, and then literal node matching would amount to string 
matching on the literal strings. The nice thing about this is that 
the resulting graphs would make explicit in their node structure 
whatever assumptions were being made, so that once all literals were 
b-node-ified, the graphs could be merged safely and the usual RDF 
rules would keep the different assumptions intact and detect any 
incompatibilities by the usual inference processes.

Finally, one alternative is to do all the above but ALSO allow bare 
literals as legal nodes, and require them to follow Dan's preferences 
and denote themselves. Then *bare* literals provide a way to refer to 
lexical forms, and datatyped literals (including those with bnodes in 
them) allow us to use literals to refer to values. In this case all 
nodes would be tidy also, but a bare literal would never be the same 
as a literal node.  In many ways this conforms to everyone's wishes, 
I think: literals always refer to themselves, datatyped literal nodes 
always refer to values, all the usual semantic rules apply uniformly, 
and we can say anything. The only real cost will be to legacy systems 
which use bare literals to refer to values, but they will need to be 
changed, probably, whatever we do. And we can discuss the translation 
strategies in the previous paragraph, with their pros and cons, for 
use by conversion implementers.

If the WG feels this is worth bothering with, I could wrote this up 
as a draft in a few days.


PS. Catching up on last weeks emails....re. the xml:lang tag, might 
there be some interaction between this and the lexical forms for 
datatyping? Eg I gather than in Germany, commas are used for a 
decimal point, so we might for example have
(xsd:real, "10,5") -en .
being invalid but
(xsd:real, "10,5") -gr .
refers to ten and a half.

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Received on Friday, 6 September 2002 04:58:43 UTC