Re: handling bare literals and PS a Q. about lang tags


> If we combine the semantic
> conditions for bnodes and for datatype literals, then (_:x, "10") is
> basically a variable ranging over possible things that "10" could be
> mapped to by a datatype.

that is it
we should have no problem implementing that
(in Euler


> Finally, one alternative is to do all the above but ALSO allow bare
> literals as legal nodes, and require them to follow Dan's preferences
> and denote themselves. Then *bare* literals provide a way to refer to
> lexical forms, and datatyped literals (including those with bnodes in
> them) allow us to use literals to refer to values. In this case all
> nodes would be tidy also, but a bare literal would never be the same
> as a literal node.  In many ways this conforms to everyone's wishes,
> I think: literals always refer to themselves, datatyped literal nodes
> always refer to values, all the usual semantic rules apply uniformly,
> and we can say anything. The only real cost will be to legacy systems
> which use bare literals to refer to values, but they will need to be
> changed, probably, whatever we do. And we can discuss the translation
> strategies in the previous paragraph, with their pros and cons, for
> use by conversion implementers.

I think I prefer that one

> If the WG feels this is worth bothering with, I could wrote this up
> as a draft in a few days.

O, definitely
I'm impressed

-- ,
Jos De Roo, AGFA

Received on Friday, 6 September 2002 06:52:04 UTC