Re: Datatyping literals: question and test cases

>This arose when trying to adjust CC/PP to take account of the 
>datatyping decision.
>For starters, under the current datatyping decisions, I understand that:
>   _:x ex:prop "10" .
>   ex:prop rdfs:range xsd:integer .
>is not satisfiable under under any interpretation that conforms to 
>the xsd:integer datatype constraints.
>I also understand that, following DanC's requests,
>   _:x ex:prop "foo" .
>   ex:prop rdfs:range xsd:string .
>will be satisfiable in conformance with xsd:string datatypeconstraints.
>But, what about this:
>   _:x ex:prop "" .
>   ex:prop rdfs:range xsd:anyURI .

That depends on how xsd:anyURI defines its value space. If its the 
set of strings conforming to the URI syntax, then OK. If its some 
other space of 'abstract' URIs, then maybe not. No doubt the question 
could be asked in the form

?? xsd:anyURI rdfs:subClassOf xsd:string . ??


>PS:  in my subject line, I say "test cases", which these are 
>strictly not.  How does one express a satisfiability question as a 
>test case?  I suppose that is something is not satisfiable then it 
>entails anything you care to choose:
>    ex:a ex:notSatisfiable ex:b .
>    ex:anySubjectYouLike ex:anyPropertyYouLike ex:anyObjectYouLike .
>Graham Klyne

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Received on Wednesday, 30 October 2002 12:58:19 UTC