RE: Datatyping literals: question and test cases

>>  Jeremy, what did you intend?
>I try to pass the hot potato to Pat!
>(A more serious answer to Graham)
>>  I also understand that, following DanC's requests,
>>     _:x ex:prop "foo" .
>>     ex:prop rdfs:range xsd:string .
>>  will be satisfiable in conformance with xsd:string datatypeconstraints.
>No decision - the current drafts say NO.
>Concepts say a literal is a pair.
>Ntriples says "foo" goes to "foo"-""
>Model theory says untyped literals are self-denoting.
>"foo"-"" is not an xsd:string.

Oh, yuk. I would vastly prefer that the blank lang tag is not in the 
denotation. This seems to be shooting ourselves in the foot; with 
this system, it is *impossible* to write an xsd string as a literal.


>>  But, what about this:
>>     _:x ex:prop "" .
>>     ex:prop rdfs:range xsd:anyURI .
>Similarly, currently this is a NO.
>>  #g
>>  --
>>  PS:  in my subject line, I say "test cases", which these are strictly
>>  not. 
>They could be made so by the invention of a new test case.

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