Re: response to Brian's rdfs review

At 10:46 09/11/2002 -0500, Dan Brickley wrote:


>After that, getting the rdfs:label and rdfs:comment for each of the new
>things is the next step. There is candidate text in the prose I added to
>RDFS (in the bit after the big table) but probably needs tweaking a
>little. Help with that (ie. drafting chunks of rdf/xml to add) would be
>much appreciated.

I included some in the comments I sent earlier.  You may not have got to 
them.  I was thinking in terms of RDF/XML not comments, but no matter.

label: List
comment: An RDF list.

label: first
comment: The first item in an RDF list.

label: rest
comment: The rest of an RDF list.

label: nil
comment: The end of an RDF list.

label: Datatype
comment: The class of datatypes.

Is that what you wanted?


Received on Saturday, 9 November 2002 12:09:42 UTC