Re: Agenda items for the f2f

On Wed, 2002-01-30 at 11:36, Brian McBride wrote:
> Can I have suggestions please for objectives and agenda items for the 
> upcoming face to face meeting.

Here are some ideas:

Agenda request: reification
	Any volunteers to come up with a pile
	of test cases that will help crystalize the

Agenda request: datatypes
	I think perhaps we can choose between TDL
	and S before the meeting, but there are
	zillions of little details to clean up, I think.
	What URI-names to use, how many, etc.
	whether this impacts xml:lang etc.

Agenda request: collections
	(esp. entailment stuff around bags. I have
	an idea I haven't written up yet...)

Agenda request: WebOnt update
	Maybe this should go on the Thursday RDF IG
	agenda in stead, but I'll give folks
	in this WG an opportunity to say "no, let's
	spend some of our meeting time on it."

Objective: get to zero open issues on M&S, i.e. 
on syntax and model theory. Issue a last-call
on them ASAP after the meeting. Switch
to debug-the-test-cases mode from then on.

Objective: get to zero open issues on RDF schema.
(are we there already? if not, what's left?
if so, why haven't we done a last call?)

	[I suggest choosing one of the objectives
	above, not both.]

Objective: paint a picture of the end game.
What communities are critical to the consensus
around our specs? Have we reached them? If not,
what else do we need to do? Where can we
reach them? What conferences/mailing-lists/publications/etc?

Dan Connolly, W3C

Received on Wednesday, 30 January 2002 13:55:22 UTC