Revised MT document


Per appendix C, I understand that this issue remains open to change as far 
as Pat's MT document is concerned.  Until we (the group) actually decide 
what to do, I think the existing text is fine.


At 03:30 PM 1/30/02 +0100, wrote:
>[what a subject to discuss...]
>If XL is really a *global* mapping I assume that
>each literal node is mapped into *one-and-ony-one* literal value
>or have I misunderstood global?
>then I don't see why
>.. A literal node is a particular occurrence of a literal
>.. literal nodes are unique to each graph.
>.. several occurrences of a literal produce several rectangles with the same
>.. literal nodes are not 'merged' in this way
>I think that the most convenient global mapping is
>   XL(literal-as-simple-name) = literal-as-simple-name
>i.e. the identity mapping

Graham Klyne                    MIMEsweeper Group
Strategic Research              <>
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Received on Wednesday, 30 January 2002 11:46:28 UTC