RE: Re(buttal): Why I cannot live with S

Gasp, horror! maybe compromise is possible :)

> > 3. Requires four (4) URIs for each datatype rather than just one. How
> > can we ask every authority that has already defined datatypes and given
> > them URI identity to now go back and mint three more URIs so that RDF
> > can use them?! TDL has already shown that one URI is sufficient.
> S-A and S-P can live with a single URI. In [1], different URIs were
> introduced for clarity, so that a precise distinction can be made
> whether lexical spaces, value spaces, or mappings are used for typing in
> a given idiom.

(First sign of movement on either protagonist's part).


Received on Friday, 25 January 2002 14:38:28 UTC