Re: primer update

Brian McBride wrote:
> Frank,
> I appologise for not giving you the opportunity for a primer update at
> todays telecon, and this time I can't blame Jema.
> Perhaps you could share any news on email.

No problem.  I had a brief phone call with Eric just after the telecon
to synch up on this.  What I was going to report was that I have a new
draft of the Primer almost ready (should be on the W3C site sometime
Monday, assuming no technical glitches intervene).  It includes revised
intro material (based on some of Graham's suggestions), new figures that
actually correspond to what the text says, a smoother integration of the
model with the other material, a new RDF/XML section, and a new RDF
Schema section.  We have some additional material in rough form that
describes several applications;  this needs some editing, and probably
won't get into this version.  And of course we have to reserve some room
for data types and (maybe) reification (we have draft material on
reification too, but we've held off including it pending resolution of
reification in general).  


Frank Manola                   The MITRE Corporation
202 Burlington Road, MS A345   Bedford, MA 01730-1420       voice: 781-271-8147   FAX: 781-271-8752

Received on Friday, 25 January 2002 13:16:10 UTC