Re: use/mention and reification

At 03:54 PM 1/22/02 +0000, Jan Grant wrote:
> > So I'm claiming that more often the 'meaning not symbols' (de re) approach
> > to rdf reification results in unacceptable information loss
>I think it's clear now that it doesn't. Meaning comes from the
>application of an interpretation function, which is where "clark kent"
>and "superman" collide. Quoting URIs makes no difference here.

I'm still thinking about this (in background mode without a vast amount of 

I think everything you say holds up if you can discuss this in terms of 
intended interpretations.  But what happens to entailments, which are 
defined in terms of all possible interpretations?


Graham Klyne                    MIMEsweeper Group
Strategic Research              <>
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Received on Tuesday, 22 January 2002 13:12:51 UTC