Re: rdfms-not-id-and-resource-attr

I should state in advance that I had no intention of causing Jeremy to

On Wed, 9 Jan 2002, Jeremy Carroll wrote:

> Given that I objected to the proposed resolution of this issue at the last
> meeting I have been asked to provide an alternative resolution.
> My proposal:
>   An rdf:ID attribute is permissable on all property elements and always
> refers to the resource that is the reification of the triple corresponding
> to that property element.

I wrote some test cases ages ago that did this (just about when we
started producing these). However, in an IRC conversation with Brian I
had to concede that what I'd suggested (which is what you propose) was
not the current state of play regarding whatever meaning could be
gleaned from the M+S - rdf:ID plays an overloaded role in that document.
We both comiserated but at the time, it seemed that producing test cases
that describe what the M+S said (not what we thought it should say) was
the honest thing to do; this is the (spurious?) backwards-compatibility

If we're going to produce a uniform interpretation for rdf:id then I'm
all for what you propose. I was still labouring under the
(mis?)apprehension that such tidying behaviour required more than an
asthetic argument* if it was going to break/change the meaning of
existing RDF documents.

Non-argumentatively yours,

* or appeal to sensible regularity, simplification of implementation,
and all-round common sense :-/

jan grant, ILRT, University of Bristol.
Tel +44(0)117 9287088 Fax +44 (0)117 9287112 RFC822
Not as randy or clumsom as a blaster.

Received on Thursday, 10 January 2002 11:27:43 UTC