US spelling serialization (sic)

At 06:03 PM 12/16/01 +0100, Jeremy Carroll wrote:
>I note that Dave switched my attempt at US spelling
>   "serialization" to "serialisation"

A little known fact, even among Brits, is that z-spelling is the Oxford 
English preferred form for many words of this form.

 From my online Concise English Dictionary:

serialize // (also -ise)
1 publish or produce in instalments.
2 arrange in a series.
3 Mus. compose according to a serial technique.
serialization // n.

#g   (who's wife is a scientific journal sub-editor)

At 06:03 PM 12/16/01 +0100, Jeremy Carroll wrote:
>I note that Dave switched my attempt at US spelling
>   "serialization" to "serialisation"
>two questions:
>1: what is the correct US spelling of this word?
>2: should W3C recs be in en-US or is en-GB acceptable?

Graham Klyne                    MIMEsweeper Group
Strategic Research              <>
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Received on Thursday, 3 January 2002 08:21:42 UTC