Re: Proposed agenda item (no global datatyping)

In the context of this discussion, I refer you to, in
which Pat Hayes says:

> >Is there an appealing use case for untidy literals that is not long 
> >range datatyping (aka implicit/global idiom)?
> >
> >Are we closing off any important extensibility paths if we go for 
> >tidy literals?
> With regards to this last point, yes. DAML and OIL and probably OWL 
> will need the flexibility of allowing (semantically) untidy literals, 
> and if we forbid them then the DAML spec will need to be rewritten 
> and OWL will probably no longer base itself on RDF (or, an 
> alternative scenario, the Webont WG will split apart into two rival 
> groups which will produce incompatible standards. It is perilously 
> close to this already.)


Jeremy Carroll wrote:
> If the chair wishes, I would be prepare to propose the following resolution:
> The WG resolves:
> + that the RDF Core Specs will include a local datatyping mechanism
> + that the RDF Core Specs will not include a global datatyping mechanism
> + to rescind the stake-in-the-ground decision
>     DECISION 2002-02-22/2:
>     DECISION 2002-02-22/3:
>   see
> If we were to consider this I would suggest three straw poll questions
> before hand:
> Qu1: who cannot live with a tidy model theory and no global datatyping?
> Qu2: who cannot live with an untidy model theory and no global datatyping?
> Qu3: who cannot live with no global datatyping?
> My suspicion is that while many in the group have strong opinions about both
> tidiness and global datatyping that a decision not to do global datatyping
> reduces the tension and permits us to achieve consensus, at the cost of
> doing less.
> I would be surprised if we are down to fewer than one responder to each of
> those, but we might find that the minorities are small enough to be
> overruled without breaking consensus.
> Jeremy

Frank Manola                   The MITRE Corporation
202 Burlington Road, MS A345   Bedford, MA 01730-1420       voice: 781-271-8147   FAX: 781-271-8752

Received on Thursday, 29 August 2002 10:19:08 UTC