notation for literals

Is there an approved way to indicate the three parts of a literal in 
Ntriples? Or should we just take the line that while literals are 
defined to have three parts, we will proceed as though they were just 
strings, really? I would prefer it if we had a notation which did in 
fact exactly reflect our decisions, if only to be able to avoid 
having weasel-wording in the spec. For example, right now the MT is 
obliged to say something like this:

"An RDF literal has three parts (a bit, a character string, and a 
language tag [@@reference@@]), but we will treat them simply as 
character strings, since the other parts of the literal play no role 
in the model theory."

which is tacky, to say the least.

BTW, what is the normative reference to go in there?


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Received on Wednesday, 24 April 2002 10:26:15 UTC