Re: big issue (2001-09-28#13)


I haven't understood why issue 2 is in here:

> 2. Are resource URIs opaque or composed of namespace + local name?

Isn't s2 sufficient for (a fairly weak) datatyping with or without s1.

> s1) A resource is a pair of (URI, local name) (URIs may contain "#"
> etc.; this satisfies the M&S requirement that given a property, one can
> retrieve the schema describing this property)

> s2) A literal is a pair <resource, unicode string>. The first component
> of a literal denotes its (data)type.

Personally I feel that in M&S resource URIs are opaque and not a namespace +
local name (which is simply a facet of the XML serialization). Hence I need
very strong arguments for making a significant change that will break most

Datatyping might be a sufficiently strong argument, but I haven't yet
understood it.


Received on Monday, 1 October 2001 08:27:12 UTC