w3c-ietf-xmldsig@w3.org from October to December 2003 by thread

XML DSig Canonicalization Oddities Anders Rundgren (Monday, 22 December)

The Worlds Greatest Vitamin! Medical Research (Monday, 22 December)

RFC 3653 on XML-Signature XPath Filter 2.0 Donald Eastlake 3rd (Friday, 19 December)

Link from translation site John Snow (Wednesday, 17 December)

Validating "profiled" XML DSig Anders Rundgren (Tuesday, 16 December)

[w3c-ietf-xmldsig] <none> Deepak K M (Saturday, 13 December)

CREA: implementation of XML signature Andrej Gustin (Friday, 12 December)

I-D ACTION:draft-ietf-xmldsig-xc14n-02.txt (fwd) Donald Eastlake 3rd (Sunday, 7 December)

New XMLSig implementation for Windows OS A. Jerman Blazic (Wednesday, 3 December)

Model ships ......diferent conception.....beautiful ! mario zuker (Tuesday, 2 December)

Relentless Press Release Relentless Records (Saturday, 29 November)

IPsmarx Technologies Inc. Canada IPsmarx Technologies (Thursday, 20 November)

ds:RetrievalMethod/@URI optional or mandatory? Martin Gudgin (Monday, 17 November)

Erratum in Exclusive Canonical XML Gregor Karlinger (Wednesday, 12 November)

ds:RetrievalMethod/@URI optional or mandatory? Martin Gudgin (Monday, 10 November)

frames sales@photoserve.net (Sunday, 9 November)

batteries sales@photoserve.net (Saturday, 8 November)

batteries sales@photoserve.net (Saturday, 8 November)

XML Digital Signature Creation Service Manoj K. Srivastava (Wednesday, 5 November)

Web (browser) PKI Standards - A study Anders Rundgren (Saturday, 1 November)

Newbie:Question SecurityTokenReference tarun.matai@iflexsolutions.com (Monday, 27 October)

Multweb, caindo w3c-wai-rc (Monday, 27 October)

Multweb, caindo w3c-wai-rc (Monday, 27 October)

Multweb, caindo w3c-wai-rc (Monday, 27 October)

Multweb, caindo w3c-wai-rc (Monday, 27 October)

Multweb, caindo w3c-wai-rc (Monday, 27 October)

Multweb, caindo w3c-wai-rc (Monday, 27 October)

Multweb, caindo w3c-wai-rc (Monday, 27 October)

Multweb, caindo w3c-wai-rc (Monday, 27 October)

Multweb, caindo w3c-wai-rc (Monday, 27 October)

Multweb, caindo w3c-wai-rc (Monday, 27 October)

Multweb, caindo w3c-wai-rc (Monday, 27 October)

Multweb, caindo w3c-wai-rc (Monday, 27 October)

Multweb, caindo w3c-wai-rc (Monday, 27 October)

re:¤@«Ê¦¬¨ì±zªº¦^ÂÐ ij (Monday, 27 October)

Interoperability event on XAdES Juan Carlos Cruellas Ibarz (Thursday, 23 October)

very urgent mariamxyz@tiscali.co.uk (Monday, 20 October)

RIF: How much XML Signature is mature? Gino Tesei (Tuesday, 21 October)

RIF: How much XML Signature is mature? Gino Tesei (Tuesday, 21 October)

RIF: How much XML Signature is mature? Gino Tesei (Tuesday, 21 October)

RIF: How much XML Signature is mature? Gino Tesei (Tuesday, 21 October)

Re: What is the best way to handle the case where you would end up with too many references in a digital signature? Blake Dournaee (Friday, 17 October)

How much XML Signature is mature? Gino Tesei (Friday, 17 October)

What is the best way to handle the case where you would end up with too many references in a digital signature? Chugh, Sanjay (Thursday, 16 October)

Calculating the DigestValue over an Object URI John (Wednesday, 15 October)

How secure is Infopath? Was RE: How secure is XForms? John Boyer (Saturday, 11 October)

Exclusive XML Canonicalization 1.3(1) Errata? Donald Eastlake 3rd (Thursday, 9 October)

C14N: default namespace local name and sorting order Aleksey Sanin (Wednesday, 1 October)

Last message date: Monday, 22 December 2003 14:56:02 UTC