AW: Errors in Section SignatureProperties

> Right. This isn't really a mistake as much as a best effort since
> the DTD is
> limited (and I didn't want to create too many entities) and the schema
> permits specificity and I know it wouldn't make sense just to
> throw a naked
> signature in SignatureProperties... I could create a
> SignatureProperties.ANY
> that was #PCDATA only, I could make the schema definition ##any,
> or leave it
> as is. What's your preference?

The schema declaration is fine. It expresses what we want, namely that
anything is allowed except structures from the dsig namespace.

None of the possible solutions for the DTD corresponds with this intention;
I think the less ill one would be to declare SignatureProperty #PCDATA only,
since it does not contradict the schema definition so obvious as the
current content model ;-)

Regards, Gregor
Gregor Karlinger
Phone +43 316 873 5541
Institute for Applied Information Processing and Communications

Received on Tuesday, 29 August 2000 03:11:25 UTC