Re: XSL Transform


The preference was, I think, to eliminate the XSLT element:

The Transform element /+ MUST contain a single <stylesheet> element
(and its children/content) as defined by the XSL Transformations
[XSLT] language and its namespace. +/ The processing rules for
the XSLT transform are stated in the XSLT specification [XSLT].


>At 13:54 7/26/2000 -0400, Ed Simon wrote:
> >I think we need input from someone like Henry T. who deeply 
> >understands schemas.  
>While we await an answer from Henry, I came up with the following prose (if
>schema doesn't do the complete trick) since I'm looking at that section
>anyway. We could probably get rid of the XSLT element type in the dsig
>namespace as its just a hint in the schema that style sheets can go there ...
>6.6.5 XSLT Transform
>The Transform element contains a single <XSLT> element /+ that MUST contain
>a single <stylesheet> element (and its children/content) as defined by the
>XSL Transforms [XSLT] language and its namespace.+/ The processing rules for
>the XSLT transform are stated in the XSLT specification [XSLT].
>Joseph Reagle Jr.   
>W3C Policy Analyst      
>IETF/W3C XML-Signature Co-Chair

Received on Wednesday, 2 August 2000 14:24:00 UTC