Re: XML Canonicalization and Syntax Constraint Considerations

On Tue, Dec 21, 1999 at 12:08:36PM +0100, wrote:
> As I'm an European French speaker and because I didn't found any reference to
> this word in my Harrap's dictionnary,
> could you be so kind to clarify what "canonicalization" should mean in this area
> ?

  Transform into a canonical form. One first define an equivalence relation
between a set of similar elements (XML documents in this case) then
a unique representation per class of similar documents. The canonalization
is then the operation to transform the element to the unique representation
of the class of documents it pertains to.
  Transformer en une forme canonique. On commence par definir une relation
d'equivalence pour en ensemble d'element similaires (des documents XMLs dans
ce cas) puis on definit une representation unique pour cette classe d'elements.
La canonalisation est alors l'operation visant a transformer tout elements
vers le prepresentant de la classe d'element auquel il appartient.


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Received on Tuesday, 21 December 1999 08:09:00 UTC