- From: Mark Bartel <mbartel@thistle.ca>
- Date: Mon, 22 Nov 1999 17:58:56 -0500
- To: "'John Boyer '" <jboyer@uwi.com>, "'w3c-ietf-xmldsig@w3.org'" <w3c-ietf-xmldsig@w3.org>
Hi John, I think perhaps that I have misunderstood what people have been meaning by "location as hint". To me it means that the application can choose to ignore the signed location and locate the object by other means. Other means may be an unsigned location elsewhere in the signature that we specify in the standard. Or, the application can ignore both the signed location and the standard unsigned location and do something else. Or, the application can decide that since it can't verify the signed location and is not willing to trust the unsigned location, it will not verify the signature. I don't see any inconsistencies here. Transforms within SignedInfo being viewed as hints: I never meant to imply that you had supported this. I was merely trying to clarify what my own position was. Transforms outside of SignedInfo: we both object to them, just to differing degrees. The reason I don't object as strongly as you do is that the application can decide which transformations to trust. Note that the Transforms outside of the SignedInfo can be signed by another signature, and applications can use *that* as a criteria for trust. However, I would prefer that we let applications deal with that issue and not have Transforms outside of SignedInfo. Your example: this is not a problem I was trying to solve. My main concern was for the x.com to y.com or base64 on web to unencoded on disk type of changes, which my concept of "location as hint" addresses. I was not trying to deal with the general document transmogrification case; do we feel this is a problem we need to solve? Removing location from the core syntax: I see this rather as "removing the contentious elements" rather than throwing "out all of the stuff that most people really dislike". Although perhaps that is just as good. However, I get the impression that we are making progress with the current spec and personally don't feel that we need to do something that drastic to resolve the issues. -Mark Bartel JetForm Corporation -----Original Message----- From: John Boyer To: Mark Bartel; w3c-ietf-xmldsig@w3.org Sent: 11/22/99 4:16 PM Subject: RE: Locations but not Transforms as hints (was RE: The XML-DSig Non-standard, or Location/Transforms as 'hints') Hi Mark, -----Original Message----- From: Mark Bartel [mailto:mbartel@thistle.ca] Sent: Monday, November 22, 1999 12:08 PM To: 'John Boyer '; 'w3c-ietf-xmldsig@w3.org ' Subject: RE: Locations but not Transforms as hints (was RE: The XML-DSig Non-standard, or Location/Transforms as 'hints') Hi John, I must admit, I don't understand why viewing location as a hint is so problematical. If we allow (and specify) a location to appear outside of SignedInfo, the application can use the signed location, unsigned location, or something else if it wants. For the common resource-has-moved from a.com to b.com case, this makes everything very simple. If the verifier is willing to use the unsigned location, it will just do the same processing as it would for the signed location. I imagine that the unsigned location would be put in SignatureProperties. I just don't see how this would require "a small army" to implement or maintain or how this is choosing "to not address these people's problems with core behavior". <John> In this paragraph, you are arguing my principal point for me, then representing it as contradictory to my viewpoint. I don't understand how that happened, but if one uses the point one is arguing against to argue against itself, then it doesn't have a good effect on one's conclusion. Specifically, the contentious issue is whether Location is to be used by core behavior or whether Location is a hint to be resolved by application behavior. You are telling me that one solution would be to have both a signed and unsigned Location. This implies a model where you want core behavior to dereference the Location, either signed or unsigned. If Location were used only as a hint, there would be no need to have both a signed and unsigned one. The model I've been pushing for all along is one in which, if external document references are included in core behavior, then they must be resolvable by core behavior. (So, we either define how core resolves external locations or we punt all external references to the manifest with all of the rest of the app-specific behaviors). </John> I acknowledge that it is not as "clean" a design since location is in two places when a resource has moved, but it is certainly simpler conceptually. Another advantage to the location-as-hint is that is allows the verifier to decide trust, rather than the signer. <John> OK, now we have an interesting segue. You're moving from having two locations for core behavior to using location as a hint, which implies not core behavior but rather application behavior in the form of a callback function to resolve the location into a bag of bits. </John> The Transforms-over-SignedInfo solution requires that applications to implement XPath or XSLT transforms simply to be able to move a resource that doesn't require any Transforms at all. I don't like this. <John> 1) The transforms over signed info is only one way to solve the scenarios in hand; it just happens to be a good one. 2) We are talking about core behavior, not applications. If transforms over signedinfo happens, then anyone who gets a copy of reference code from alphaworks or W3C will already have this implemented in their application. It's a do-nothing for the application developer. Further, it should not be a problem for at least the W3C to provide XPath as part of this; after all, if the W3C won't even implement its own recommendations, then should we bother with the W3C? No. Hence, they can and will build it if it is required by our work. 3) Even if an application were doing this, they would only need to support enough XPath to get their own application to work. The idea is not necessarily that everyone can validate everyone else's signatures but rather that we have a consistent notation that uses standards to express everyone's signatures such that it is *possible* for *someone* (not everyone) to create a master validation program that could validate any core XML signature. 4) I've never been in favor of the XSLT transform. I only wanted XPath as a precision language for filtering documents and achieving document closure. 4) Perhaps we are going overboard in requiring core behavior to do any digging up of bits outside of the current document, whether by its own devices or whether by application callback. Why don't you have a look at the simplified syntax I proposed recently and see if it makes sense. It has several advantages, including a) dumping XSLT (but not XPath), b) separating core behavior from external resource location c) cleaner separation between core and those things which MUST be application-specific d) applying encrypted hash directly to data in document. e) others listed in that "Simplified Syntax" email. </John> I admit that viewing location as a hint does not address the problem in some scenarios where the document is transformed by other processes (such as embedding the document in another document). I'm happy to leave that to the application. If I recall correctly, the origin of this debate was "What if the location changes?" in the changing-URL sense and not "What if we transmogrify the original document?" But I have only minor misgivings about having additional Transforms appear outside of SignedInfo. <John> I have strong misgivings about allowing arbitrary transforms outside of SignedInfo. It is possible to hijack signatures in precisely the 'favorite color' way you described in a previous email if we allow arbitrary transforms outside of SignedInfo. This is why I wanted to XPath transform SignedInfo itself. Provided that we have the simple 'bottom turtle' processing rule that the XPath cannot omit itself, the XPath can very precisely identify the base 64 transform to omit from an object reference. Thus, one could only have or not have a base64 transform, and ObjectReference transforms could therefore NOT be arbitrarily modified. </John> My strong objection is to the Transforms within SignedInfo being viewed as hints. <John> I have never, never, never, never, never supported this option. Hopefully from that which is above and below, you will see how my position differs from this. </John> In other words, I feel that we could allow Transforms outside of SignedInfo as long as the unsigned transforms were applied, and then ALL of the signed transforms were applied. Applications can decide what unsigned transforms they wish to trust. <John> It is easy to see how the security of this suggested rule breaks. Simply consider the actual problem we are trying to solve. When a document is internally stored in element E, we must do the following: IDREF (or barename XPointer transform) to indicate E XPath child::text() Base64 decode. Since the base 64 decode happens last, all of the transforms are unsigned and there are no signed transforms. Thus, the object can be arbitrarily modified in the unsigned transforms with no possibility of reality checks by the signed transforms. In general, the signed transforms won't be able to run reality checks that secure this method even if they did exist. In conclusion, then, arbitrary unsigned transforms are a very, very bad idea, leading to precisely the problems *you* identified in prior emails to this group. If we are going to omit a transform from an ObjectReference, we need some digitally signed description of *precisely* what that is so that the description can pass a security audit as a non-threat. This is the essence of document closure as applied to SignedInfo itself. John Boyer Software Development Manager UWI.Com -- The Internet Forms Company </John>
Received on Monday, 22 November 1999 17:58:59 UTC