AW: AW: Re[2]: Omitting Location and Transforms from SignedIn

> We are allowing the signed object to be internal or external to a
> document.  Are you disagreeing with this?
No, I am not.

> Should the object always be imbedded in the
> <Signature> element?  If not, don't you have to locate it?
What I was saying that I see more often the reason to locate the signature
to a given object

> or at least we should allow for it.  Suppose I make a statement that "The
> document at is suitable reading for children".  I
This is fine, but I would rarely go and check your signature in such cases
if I did not want to know about in the first place. If I happen
to find your signature laying around, I would not go off to check the page
out of curiosity if your signature verifies or not.

What I was aiming at was that the workflow would more often move from the
document to the signature than the other way round.


Received on Thursday, 18 November 1999 11:11:54 UTC