Re: Omitting Location and Transforms from SignedInfo

This is what I was getting at when I said I wasn't sure how it could be done.

But these questions you raise aren't solved by a list of transforms, signed
or not.  You basically never know if something is in the correct form until
you try to use it.

In some ways, it's a bit strange to have an XML signature library deal with
all these transformation issues.  After all, the signed content itself wasn't
transformed by any application of an XML signature [*].  Rather, the content
got mutated by some other agent after a signature was created.  The best a
signature-verifying library can do is tell its application that it needs the
signed-form of the content, and hope that the app knows how to get it.

At least an application has more context to play with than a library.  Making
the library faithfully apply a list of transformations isn't going to solve
this issue.

[*] I suppose I should be clear here that I'm talking about transforms in
Mark Bartel's second sense (i.e. "To assist in retrieving the document in the
appropriate form"), not some use of XSLT/XPath to pick out parts of an XML
document for signing.  I think Mark's distinction is a good one.


> "Jim Schaad (Exchange)" wrote:
> I don't like this because I can't possibly know how to implement it.
> How does a program know if something is of the correct form?  How do I know
> what transformations have or have not been applied to the object since the
> last time I dereferenced it.  (For example that document on the web site
> was base64 encoded and now is not.)
> jim

Received on Wednesday, 17 November 1999 19:10:13 UTC