Two questions about Location

If you respond to this, please cc  Thanks.

One question that came up while working on Section 4.3.1 was the comment
(which was already there) about Location being implied by application
context.  It would be nice to have an example of this.  In particular, I'm
having some difficulty understanding how a signature verification algorithm
will tell the difference between implied Location versus having no Location
mean 'this' document.

Originally, I had thought that an empty Location (or one that starts with a
# fragment if we allow fragments in Location) should mean 'this' document.

Another question about Location had to do with the desired ability to switch
between embedded and detached signatures without breaking the signature How
will this be done without breaking the signature given that the Location
will change?  At first I assumed that the only way to do this was with the
fabled Location-by-application-context, but then the question above popped
into mind.  Note that Location is part of what gets signed by the
signature's digest, so there aren't even transformations that can omit it.

John Boyer
Software Development Manager
UWI.Com -- The Internet Forms Company

Received on Wednesday, 13 October 1999 00:49:30 UTC