RE: minimal canonicalization

I looked at the sample minimal canonicalization code, and I think we may be
at cross purposes a bit. When we discussed this in Irvine, I thought we
were talking about the FTP/Telnet form of canonicalization, where a
platform line end is replaced by a canonical line end. This is not the same
thing as replacing CR's by LF's. With the first, if I FTP a document from
one platform to another and canonicalize it on each platform, I'll get the
same result, and in the other I won't. In cases where the sending end of
line convention is CR or LF and the receiving line convention is CR-LF or
LF-CR, the end of lines will all double. There is a reasonably
straightforward example of portable FTP style end of line code in the BSD
sources. It's only a few lines of code. 

Peter Norman, 

Received on Tuesday, 12 October 1999 17:32:03 UTC