Re: Status of working group last call on BIND

Joe Hildebrand wrote:
> Please send a note to the list if you reviewed BIND for the last call.
> I'd like to make sure we had enough eyes on it.
> If there are any outstanding issues that, for whatever reason, didn't 
> make it into Bugzilla, please enter them ASAP.  I've seen a couple go by 
> on the list that I don't see in the system.
> Here is a list of the issues I see on bugzilla.
> ---
> "Bindings needs to completely describe how bindings interact with
> locks."
> I see consensus for the clarification text proposed and wordsmithed here
> on the list.
> ---
> "Bindings and DeltaV aren't fully interspecified"
> Of the text I've seen for this, that says that the interaction is
> unspecified, I don't see enough consensus on that suggestion to hold
> things up.
> ---
> "Clarify what servers may and may not do with privileges when BIND is
> used"
> I don't see consensus for making a change.  However, I want to make sure 
> I understand the issue before I predict how the IESG will react to this 
> during their last call.  I'll post a message to the list with some 
> thoughts.

Thanks Joe,

from my p.o.v.:

#2) Should be closed: consensus for the change made with 

#5) Should be closed: has 0 votes on it

#71) Should be closed: has only 1 vote on it from Elias, and he's 
satisfied with the explanations and changes made 

#71b) The question raised by you, Joe, in 
is IMHO a distinct issue, it's being tracked with 
you may want to open a new BugZilla issue if you feel that there's a 
risk that we're not following up properly.

Regarding the three issues raised post-last-call: please give guidance 
on how to proceed. So far, there aren't any votes on them, and it 
doesn't seem any new feedback is coming in. I think we still should plan 
to submit a document for publication in time before the IETF, which is 
roughly two weeks from now.

Best regards, Julian

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Received on Friday, 4 February 2005 23:17:36 UTC