Re: Interop issue: Proposal for fixing lock token provision

Sorry not to have weighed in on any of the interop issues since then.  
Things have been a bit busy :^).

On Tuesday, October 8, 2002, at 12:25 AM, Julian Reschke wrote:

>> And if it has Etag support and it's the last PUT, you might not care
>> care if you've lost the lock as long as the content has not
>> been updated.  There's no point in checking for the lock in that
>> situation and spec'ing  that the check be done anyway, just causes
>> needless delay.
>> ...
> Wouldn't that mean to optimize for a *really* uncommon case? How 
> frequently
> does that happen? Does is really require special handling?

In the real world this happens constantly.  Servers can make locks go 
away whenever they want, and clients have no way of learning why or 
what the implications are for edit state.  Workflow administrators 
remove them, thinking they're inactive.  They expire because the client 
is idle for reasons beyond its control (sleeping a machine).  Server 
administrators do lock cleanups because their database seems corrupt.  
The fact of the matter is that, the way the spec is written, real-world 
clients constantly have to be doing rediscovery of what's happening on 
the server so they can "convince" the server they know exactly what's 
going on, and in fact they often have to figure out from a particular 
series of rejected requests how that *particular* server models things.

(temperature rises)

Sorry if this sounds like a flame, but it's really just a heartfelt 
complaint about the state of the spec from a client's point of view.  
Until you've tried to write an expensive, production-quality client 
used by a naive user that interoperates in a wide range of authoring 
situations with 20 different servers, each of which takes a defensible 
but slightly different interpretation of the spec, and each of whose 
"easy to handle edge cases" mean something completely different coming 
from another server, it's hard to have a good idea about how narrow a 
guaranteed-successful path through the spec's garden path of 
"defensible interpretations" is (hint: how small is epsilon :^), or how 
hard it is to discover a path that will work for a particular server.

I believe that all the client-side spec requests that came out of the 
interop (detailed below) come from high-quality implementation teams 
that have watched their code devolve into a series of spaghetti strands 
each of which knows how to talk to one particular server.  As only a 
slight exaggeration, we might as well be supporting different protocols 
against each one.  I've even had one of my lead implementors seriously 
suggest that we implement our client API as an abstract object which 
first does an OPTIONS call to see (from the "Server:" header) which 
server we're talking to and then load the appropriate concrete provider!

(temperature falls)

So let me go through the various proposals floating around with an eye 
not towards clarifying their details or fixing them but just motivating 
them from a client point of view.  First, some basic requirements that 
underly this discussion, which I believe were in the original 
requirements doc that Judy wrote a long time ago:

R1. distributed authoring clients are very concerned about the lost 
update problem.  (clients A and B read the same version of a doc, make 
separate changes and then each save back not knowing the other has.  
Whoever saved first loses.)

R2. distributed authoring clients are very concerned about their users 
not wasting time working on something they can't save.  (a variant of 
the lost update problem, in which clients can discover that the doc has 
been updated but not that it's going to be updated.)

R3. distributed authoring clients want to be able to offer their users 
a consistent least-common-denominator model of the server's hierarchy, 
even though the actual situation may be far more complex than that 
model suggests.

R4. distributed authoring clients want to make the same sequence of 
calls against all compliant servers, and know that they can rely on 
differences in result to be due to server policy or differing 
conditions, NOT on different server interpretations of the meaning of 
the request.

In the light of these, here's the motivation for a number of the client 
requests (no pun intended) that Lisa mentioned in her summary message 
from the last interop:

1. require etag support (when feasible).  Without strong (or at least 
weak) validators, there's really no way to address the lost-update 
problem.  Mod dates are too randomly defined, which is why etags made 
it into HTTP 1.1 in the first place, but even when a server's mod dates 
really are weak validators there's no reason for clients to have to 
figure out whether to use mod dates or etags on a server-by-server 
basis (see R4).

2. Provide a lock-state-checking-less way of doing an operation on a 
locked resource.  In my experience with multiple server 
implementations, LOCK is simply unreliable as anything other than a way 
to satisfy R2: warn other users that I'm going to update the resource.  
This is because, the way the spec is written, locks are simply a gating 
factor on the succcess of certain client requests, not a reliable, 
precise declaration of write capabilities on a resource.  Locks 
certainly don't guarantee that a resource hasn't been updated, because 
there's absolutely nothing in the spec that keeps the server from doing 
that behind my back (even leaving the lock in place!), and I can show 
you servers that do this defensibly and routinely.  Nor is loss of lock 
a way to find out that my ability to update has changed, because locks 
go away for any number of random reasons having nothing to do with me 
(and I can show you servers that defensibly and routinely do that, as 

 From a client's point of view, I do LOCK GET PUT UNLOCK so that YOU can 
know not to start editing the same resource until the UNLOCK is done.  
But I really don't care whether you do or not, and I really don't care 
whether my lock goes away or not, because I'm going to use etags to 
make sure to avoid lost updates (and so should you).

(By the way, from this point of view shared write locks are 
interoperable, even when used by the same principal; consider a user of 
two clients having them warn each other that they're both in use.)

3. provide a way of forcing authentication.  If I'm a distributed 
authoring client using a server, then I expect (in the course of an 
update) to do a LOCK (if the server supports it), then a GET and/or 
some PROPPATCHs, then some PUTs and/or PROPPATCHs (with the PUT 
protected by an IF: etag condition, and yes I wish there were there 
were a similar thing for properties), and then finally (if supported) 
an UNLOCK (or maybe a DELETE, which will do the UNLOCK very effectively 
:^).  I want to know when I start that I have the authority to do all 
of these calls, and I want to know right in the beginning what identity 
I will use to do that so I can properly put some info about it in the 
LOCK owner field.  So I want some way of forcing the server to 
challenge me to authenticate as someone who can do this sequence, and I 
want it even before the LOCK starts (especially cause I can't always do 
a LOCK).

4. require servers to be consistent about specifying slashes in 
responses to propfind requests that enumerate a tree.  (and, by the 
way, require clients always to use slashes when referring to what they 
believe is a collection...)  This is motivated by a combination of R3 
and R4.  I need to be able to show my users a consistent view of the 
server's hierarchy, separating collections (which appear to contain 
other resources) from non-collections (which don't).  When the server 
responds to a PROPFIND enumerating a tree, I need not to be guessing 
why this collection had a slash on the end whereas this other one 
didn't, and I really need to know which ones of these returnees can 
themselves be enumerated (which, by the way, is allowed to be a VERY 
different piece of information than I get back from asking about the 
resource type, although I don't think it was meant to be - another 
problem :^).

5. that the *same* pair of clients and servers interoperate over all 
features before we believe we have interoperability.  The motivation 
for this should be obvious by now: you can get pairwise 
interoperability between DIFFERENT pairs without any guarantee that you 
can write a generic client which is anything other than the "union" 
client my lead implementor was proposing.

6. only allow one kind of TIME in lock expiry.  this is R4.

7. require PROPFIND results to use a single base URL, and that the URL 
either be the returned content-location header URL or the one the 
client used.  This is R3 and R4.  You may expect clients to be able to 
keep referring to different elements of collections with different 
preferred paths, but I can't expect my user to, and I can't hide that 
from him.

8. servers can't withhold lock owner info.  R4: it's mine, don't force 
me to work around you withholding it.

That's it for rationale.  I'll gradually be sending around proposals on 
resolving a number of these specific issues, hopefully ones that 
reflect the discussion so far and are acceptable to the group :^).  If 
you got this far, thanks for your attention to such a long message.


Received on Wednesday, 16 October 2002 11:48:19 UTC