RE: draft-fielding-uri-rfc2396bis-05.txt

I agree that there isn't a useful template; Thomas has talked about mocking
one up as part of a larger effort, but it can be hard to match the
template bits to different types of documents and as far as I know
he is still working on it.

At this point, if you would like to do a mock-up of the report (using just one
or two features), I'd be happy to pass that around, to make sure
that there are no later problems with the format or that we get suggestions
for changes before the full report is done.
				Ted Hardie

At 9:11 PM -0700 04/19/2004, Larry Masinter wrote:
>  > We need to spend the next two weeks gathering test cases and
>>  implementation reports, prior to submission to the IESG.  Larry,
>>  do we have a suitable template for describing implementations?
>It's pretty clear that there isn't a template for describing
>implementations -- IESG implementation reports range from
>vague statements to extensive statistical reports.
>So... whatever seems most convenient to you. If it were me,
>I would make a spreadsheet/database first, and figure out how
>to format the "report" later.

Received on Tuesday, 20 April 2004 12:46:05 UTC