Re: test cases and implementation reports

At 16:23 04/04/20 +0900, Martin Duerst wrote:

>I have created a testing page at
>to make (manual) testing of the implementations in various browsers easy.

Here is another test result, using the link checker at on the above page and
using the output (of course mostly invalid links) to check
the linkchecker's internal behavior. This is perl, and
probably uses some perl library.

All tests are passed except for the following:

#       relative        absolute                Link checker

6       //g             http://g                http://g/  (added slash)
7       ?y              http://a/b/c/d;p?y      http://a/b/c/?y  (missing d;p)
31      ../../../g      http://a/g              http://a/../g    (leftover ../)
32      ../../../../g   http://a/g              http://a/../../g (leftover 
41      /./g            http://a/g              http://a/./g     (leftover ./)
51      ./../g          http://a/b/g            http://a/b/c/g   (leftover c/)

For test 71, the link checker uses strict parsing.

Regards,     Martin.

Received on Tuesday, 20 April 2004 05:14:18 UTC