Re: Labels created

On Thu, 15 Sept 2022 at 18:09, Norm Tovey-Walsh <> wrote:

> Reece Dunn <> writes:
> > Can you add those 3 labels, please?
> I added “clarification” and “project”. Are you persuaded by Ed that
> “Feature+XQFO” is sufficient for a new function, or would you still like
> the function label?

Thanks. I'm happy with that labeling.

Having made an initial pass through the open tickets (with help from other
CG members) and worked through the closed tickets, I think we need the
following additional tickets:
1. XQUF "An issue related to XQuery Update Facility extension" -- This is
for (At some point we may need
labels for the other extensions, but I suggest we defer creating labels for
them until we have issues relating to those specs.)
2. Duplicate -- The issue is a duplicate of another issue. (This is useful
to make it clear that the issue is not rejected by the CG. The duplicate
issue should be mentioned in the comments.) -- This currently applies to 2
tickets that have been closed.

> > Can you add a "4.0" milestone, per the email that Christian Gruen sent
> I’m a little behind on email today, sorry.
> I created “QT 4.0” and “QT Future”.

Great! Thanks.

Kind regards,

>                                         Be seeing you,
>                                           norm
> --
> Norm Tovey-Walsh
> Saxonica

Received on Thursday, 15 September 2022 19:06:11 UTC